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About Us

A Statement of Values

Engineered Outcomes was founded to help start-up companies get their projects off the ground. Located at the epicenter of American innovation, California's Silicon Valley, we are able to draw on some amazing talent through our network of development professionals.

Because Engineered Outcomes was founded by a Cal Poly mechanical engineer with a great deal of manufacturing experience, you won't see "cute" designs from us. We value simple elegance. This doesn't mean we lack sophistication, but that we know through experience that complexity carries a cost and it should only be tolerated when necessary.

As a small company we are able to respond to our customers quickly. We understand that time to market is the primary driver for return on investment, so we will work with you to find the right balance to keep the critical path as short as possible and mitigate the biggest risks first.

Finally, as an employee-owned company, every member of our team is intrinsically motivated to serve you. And, since we select those projects that have the greatest positive impact on society first, we take pride that our skills are serving the community well.

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